ContactJamal Powell.

Master & Dynamic is a New York City based brand building beautifully designed and technically sophisticated audio equipment for creative individuals.

This website is designed with a focus on strong photography and sleek interactions in mind.

The goal was to match the beautiful and sophisticated craftsmanship of Master & Dynamics headphones with their digital experience, whether on desktop or checking out their catalogue on your mobile device.



page tour
We believe that 10,000, be it brushstrokes, piano scales, or lines of code, is just the beginning. To be a “master” is to always be learning and pushing your skill.
- Master & Dynamic

Master & Dynamic's Blog, aptly named the 10,000, celebrates the creative community.

The blog was built as a phase two roll-out after the e-commerce site had launched. They wanted a more powerful blogging platform to keep the brand updated, so we built the 10,000 using a headless CMS and ingested it on the front-end with AngularJS.